
Infinity of Training Development  

     FIRMWARE GUIDE By Khaled Magdy 

We discuss here how to be professional in phase of Programming on Chip  by learning the concept of c language and how can be code on chip, from this point we will develop this code to make it universal, this will happen by some general rules
The code must be Clear, Concise, Correct, Commented, Faster, Readable, Expendable, Portable, Reliable, Maintenance, Sizes less and Manageable
This rules has specific in individual chapter and examples
The development of code in this book cover almost considerations you have taken
++The book concentrates on c language only and give some hinted of c

Now by this Book you can join to the embedded system company 
 ....Valeo, IBM, Intel
Good luck I.T.D                       

Firmware is software that is programmed into chips and usually perform basic instructions, like Network cards, computer BIOS, etc... Software is a program that is is designed to run on a computer's operating system
Typical examples of devices containing firmware are embedded system (such as traffic lights, consumer appliances, and digital watches), computers, computer peripherals,mobile phones 
The firmware contained in these devices provides the control program for the device
Firmware is held in non volatile memory devices such as ROM, EPROM, or flash memory
Changing the firmware of a device may rarely or never be done during its economic lifetime; some firmware memory devices are permanently installed and cannot be changed after manufacture. Common reasons for updating firmware include fixing bugs or adding features to the device This may require physically changing ROM integrated circuits, or reprogramming flash memory with a special procedure
Firmware such as the ROM BIOS of a personal computer may contain only elementary basic functions of a device and may only provide services to higher-level software
Firmware such as the program of an embedded system may be the only program that will run on the system and provide all of its functions

Firmware Hierarchical

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